As we know that Game is a way
to pass your time with fun and to fresh your mind. Everybody likes to play
interesting games online, especially kids. On Internet, thousands of games are
present to play and these games are divided into categories (like Christmas
Games category) in order to get appropriate games. But, it is some critical to
choose unique top interesting games and its location in order to play online. So
in this post, I am going to show you the list of top five free online Christmas
games websites in order to enjoy Christmas Holiday. These top five are –
PrimaryGames is one of the
fastest growing gaming companies on the web and has been entertaining both
children and adults since 2000. The company was originally founded by teacher
Susan Beasley, who built online games to keep the students in her classroom
entertained while they were engaged in learning. Click here!
to go-to that site and to enjoy interesting Christmas Games.
It is one of the best website
and has the biggest collection of free online games. Totally new games are
added for this Christmas. Just take a look – Click here!
It is also a great website
where you will get unique collection of interesting Christmas games especially
for girls and that’s why named as HotGamesForGirls. Click here! in order
to get such location…
It contains
more than 65 million game players per month and it reaches across online,
mobile and social platforms. Miniclip
develops, publishes and distributes more than 750 online and mobile games,
through the website and via app stores for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Symbian
and MeeGo devices, with new games released every week. This Christmas, it
contains a great collection of games especially for kids. So, don’t wait, just
go that – Click here!
Free Online Games -
Play over 60,000 Fupa games online including flash games, Christmas games,
internet games , online games , and all free games. Just Click here!
I hope you like Top Five Free Online Christmas Games
Websites. Feel Free to make comment (feedback) about this post…
Today, it’s must important to
publish original articles on Internet in order to get good rank and traffic. Article
writing is really an art to make interesting unique articles on any topic. Your
English language must be perfect (grammatical error free) to make such kind of
articles. In order to get high rank and traffic, you must need to make
interesting comprehensive original articles (plagiarism free). But, as we know
that internet has lots of articles on single topic and our own created article
could be copied at some portions. So, how we can check its accuracy and how we
can rectify plagiarism in it?
In order to rectify plagiarism,
you need to pass your content through online plagiarism checker software.
Through this process, you will get the idea about your content as how much
percentage it is copied, when your copied article is published and where it is
actually present. So, when you search on Internet for Online Plagiarism Checker,
you will get lots of online plagiarism checker websites and all gives good
result but, not best as they will say you to upgrade your account (choose
premium plan) in order check your content too accurate. In order to see it,
here I am giving you a website which helps you to check your content in too accurate
manner. It’s really best and important, free to use service.
Not only to check your content,
it also helps you to rewrite your content. So, if your content got duplicate
then, you can easily rewrite it (make it plagiarism free) within minutes
through use of this service. You can also get free backlinks through use of
this service.
are Backlinks?
Backlinks are counted as “how
much other websites holding your website url”. It is good to get free referral traffic
from that website and alexa also counts - how much backlinks a website having
in order to increase its rank. Alexa contains whole record of each website
which published.
From this service, you can
check your website backlinks through use of backlink checker tool.
Through use of this service,
you can also get idea about your website keyword position in Google, Bing and
Yahoo. You can also use Search Engine Pingler tool to recognize Google search
engine, when you have made a change on your website! Within seconds, you can
check your website’s Google page rank through use of Google pagerank tool.
There are lots of other tools
which sure helps you to promote your website. It’s named is – Small Seo Tools (Online SEO Tools or I can
say that 100% Free SEO Tools). I hope you will like! Feel Free to make comment
(feedback) about this post…
Ways for Connecting to Internet

Fast access speeds
A permanent "always-on" connection to the Internet
Ability to handle large files quickly
Flat-rate monthly charges
are a number of different types of broadband - it is available by telephone
line, cable, satellite and wireless networks, among others. The different types
have varying speeds and costs. Where you live will determine which options are
available to you. You can check if you are in a broadband area by visiting one
of the broadband checker sites provided by broadband suppliers. Different types
of broadband are as -

operates at the same time over the same pair of telephone wires, which means
that you can simultaneously make telephone calls (which are charged
separately), send emails, send and receive faxes, and access the Internet.
ADSL you will need a special modem or router and what are known as microfilters
on all your telephone sockets. The filters prevent the ADSL signal from
interfering with your voice calls. Your Internet service provider will often
provide you with one or two micro filters and the broadband modem as part of
their package.
speeds will vary, but as a general rule, the more you pay, the higher your
connection speed will be. Prices are reducing as competition between providers
increases, so it is certainly worth shopping around for the best offer.
main advantages of ADSL are that it is:
The most widely available form of broadband
Relatively cheap
main disadvantage of ADSL is that it is only available within 6km of local
ex-changes which have been upgraded. In addition, ADSL may not always be as
fast as you would like:
Upload speeds (i.e. the speed at which you can send- rather than receive -
data) are relatively slow. This can be a problem for businesses that regularly
send large files across the Internet.
Parts of your connection are shared with other Internet users - known as
"contention". If too many of these are using the Internet at the same
time as you, your connection will be slower.
services are now available via cable operators using their high speed fibre-optic
networks. Connectivity is delivered through coaxial copper cables using a
high-speed cable modem. The cable modem uses the same cabling infrastructure
and connection to your home as cable TV. The cable modem connects to the PC via
a local area network (LAN) card.
cable companies offer bundled packages that include telephone, broadband
Internet connection and TV channels. As with ADSL, there are a number of
different deals for different requirements.
in other areas of broadband provision, there is fierce competition between the
main cable providers. This is reflected in the increasingly high speeds of
connectivity that are available. The main advantages of cable are that it:
Is relatively cheap
Offers high connectivity speeds
Offers "always-on" connectivity
must, however, be in a cable TV coverage area to receive cable broadband.
satellite broadband connection is a further option if your business is located
in a remote area that cannot access any other broadband Internet connection.
This type of connection is available throughout the UK and requires the
installation of a special satellite dish. There are two types of service.
this option you would send emails or requests for information via a normal
dial-up modern connection or ISDN link. However, you would use a satellite to
download data such as web pages and web applications. This overcomes the normal
problems associated with downloading large volumes of data via a dial-up
more expensive satellite services provide a two-way option for both uploading
and downloading, and, utilise a dedicated satellite dish to send and receive
both types of connection, download and upload speeds may vary, but faster
speeds are increasingly becoming available. As with other broadband services,
the provision of satellite broadband is very competitive, with lots of new
offers and special deals, so it is certainly worth shopping around.
latency (the time it takes to send and receive a message) can be much higher
with satellite than on terrestrial networks, thereby limiting the use of some
web-based applications that rely on fast response times.
addition, although coverage is often referred to as "ubiquitous",
users must have direct line of sight to the orbiting satellites, away from tall
buildings or large structures. Rain clouds or even dense trees can also affect
It is widely available, even in rural areas.
It is good for home use.
Slow upload speed for one way connection may be unsuitable for business use.
Transmission delays (latency) can disrupt interactive services.
Weather can affect reception.
is a collective term used to describe different technologies that use radio
transmitters and receivers to link computers.
further broadband option is provided by wireless technologies. In certain
locations, usually rural areas, the adoption of broadband is limited due to
lack of broadband-enabled telephone exchanges, or businesses being too far from
the exchange to use ADSL services.
option for delivering broadband into such areas is to use variations of
wireless technology. Wireless networks are also currently being developed in
several major UK cities.
services are quickly gaining popularity across the world and, as they do,
products and services are being upgraded.
LAN (WLAN) hotspots, also known as WiFi hotspots, (subscription only,
pay-per-use and free for customers) are being rolled out globally. As more of
these hotspots appear in airports, hotels, cafés, pubs and motorway service
stations, operators are beginning to get together and offer mobile phone style
"roaming" facilities that will mean you only need to subscribe to one
service. WLAN hotspot providers are also beginning to deliver broadband to
increasingly remote areas of the UK.
(Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) is a fast-emerging wide-area
wireless broadband technology that offers much greater reach than the existing
WiFi broadband.
WiFi signals do not reach much beyond 100 feet, Wimax is planned to have a
25-mile range, enabling it to be used to provide broadband in areas where other
technology is unsuitable.
High bandwidth.
Access the web on the move.
High media profile makes advice easy to come by.
Still in its infancy, so availability is limited.
Setting up a wireless network requires substantial technical knowledge.
Some security concerns persist about wireless technology.
businesses manage with a basic dial-up package to connect to the Internet, paying
for each call at local rates. While this can work for businesses that only use
the web occasional browsing, you may find that if you use it for more than a
few hours a month, you could be better off with a different payment option. It
is also worth noting that reductions in the cost of broadband are making these
dial-up packages less attractive.
Internet service providers (ISPs) offer packages where you get free unmetered
Internet access for a fixed fee every month. This is suitable if you anticipate
using the Internet for longer periods.
Cheaper than pay-as-you-go for heavier users of the Internet.
You can choose a package tailored to your requirements, such as all-day or
off-peak only.
Download times for larger files and emails are still slow - such packages still
use the standard 56k modem.
Some ISPs have more users than they can cope with, leading to difficulties in
signing on at peak times, and connections may be cut if there is a period of
You must consider security, such as a firewall, if you leave the connection
open all the time.
Some packages are not designed to meet normal business needs, for example they
may prevent you from sending bulk emails.
are also subscription packages where you pay a monthly fee and call costs. They
typically cost about £100 a year. These can offer a quicker, more reliable
service with good technical support and other services.

primarily uses existing Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) switches and
wiring, upgraded to provide all-digital end-to-end channels.
basic-rate ISDN service consists of two channels which effectively give you two
separate telephone lines, enabling you to use one channel for voice and one for
data. An ISDN channel is faster than dial-up access, and two ISDN channels can
be bonded together to provide an even faster connection. However, the use of
each channel is charged separately, and be-cause you pay a higher call rate
than with standard telephone lines using "channel bonding" can be
expensive. Because it is a digital system ISDN doesn't use modems. Instead a
device called a Terminal Adapter provides the interface between the computer
and the ISDN line.
Advantages of ISDN
Available to 97 per cent of the UK.
Provides two digital channels as standard.
Guaranteed data rates.
Technically only "midband", i.e. faster than a modem but much slower
than broadband.
Not "always-on".
Expensive, considering its speed.
Generally requires on-site installation by an engineer.
Virtual Private Networks

Potential applications
a VPN uses the Internet to extend your company network globally. In other
words, with the correct security clearance, you can use a VPN to access your
company network from any Internet-connected computer. This opens a huge range
of possibilities, as:
Sales people can access real-time data on stocks and prices
Home workers can receive email and work on the most up-to-date documents
People working away from the office, like engineers or delivery people, can
provide real-time information - like progress reports on work or immediate
confirmation of delivery
Businesses with several offices can network sites more cheaply than by leasing
dedicated connections
VPN cost implications
may be the potential to save on some of the cost compared with remote modern
access. Most VPN options require a broadband connection and have installation
and annual charges.
Outsourcing VPNs
VPN applications can be outsourced to a commercial service provider who
specialises in managed security services. In such outsourced VPNs, the service
provider is responsible for VPN configuration (provisioning) and monitoring.
Service providers may locate their VPN devices at customer premises, or at
their own sites.
When two computers greet each other, they probably do so in
the following manner :
Hi there is a message for you from
Things are different however when users have to send
message. It is easier to remember names.
For example, the address for Microsoft is but it would
be easier to use the alphabetic name of Microsoft.com.
Each computer on a network thus has an address which is used
to send and receive information from that computer. But how are these addresses
generated? How are these addresses maintained? Just as your house unique, each
host must have a unique address. If there is more then one address, there would
be absolute confusion, since TCP/IP would not know which address to send it to.
The domain name service (DNS) is the method is used to administer the internet
system names. When you use names instead of a number, the internet and the
TCP/IP utilities such as telnet, FTP, and SMTP access DNS to locate the address
you have specified and resolve them into network addresses. When the name is
received by DNS, it is translated in to a numeric address. This address is
inserted into the message that has to be transported. And important feature of
DNS is that it follows heirarchical structure to store address information. The
information is stored in several places along the hierarchy rather that at one
central location. Each site has a domain name server that maintains the
information about the local nodes.
Below figure illustrates the hierarchical structure
of the internet. There is a top level, also called root level of the hierarchy.
This is divided into major divisions called domains.
Some of the top level
domains are as –
.com : commercial
.org : organizations
.edu : educational institutions
.gov : government agencies
.net : network service providers
.mil : military
What is E-Mail (Electronic
E-mail is a mode of communication of information or message.
The network of channel connected two computers for sending message immediately.
The message can be sent by a computer it can be sent on other distant computer
where it is wanted.
In this system digital information is remitted through
telephone line in the form of on-line, from one computer to for distance
computer. The modem plays the important role for connecting to distance,
computers. It requires the e-mail address for such communication The message
can be read or can also be printed with the help of printer. Now it is used in
industry, commerce occupations and education. It is economical than Fax, Telex,
STD and Speed post or courier.
E-mail services are
used in automobiles, engineering and share marketing.
What is E-com (Electronic

The main source of E-com is electronic data exchange. Under
this system the data are converted and- transmitted through internet system. In
the E-com facility customer chooses the commodity to purchase on website. Then
he has to fill up a form on available computer. He has to provide the following
information as -
(a) His credit card number.
(b) Payable amount and
(c) Name of * firm for purchasing commodity.
The customer has to deposit the required money in selling
firm or transfer the amount. He can issue a cheque by his digital signature.
The facility is available in the countries where digital signatures have been