yoo-niks, a popular multi-user, multi-tasking operating system developed in the
1960s at the bell laboratory. Created by just a handful of programmers, UNIX
was designed to be a small, flexible system used exclusively by programmers.
UNIX is a highly programmable language (an operating system) and still regarded
as one of the most powerful, versatile, and flexible operating system (OS) in
the computer world. UNIX Systems have Graphical User Interface (GUI) facility
like Microsoft Windows which to easy to use. The most famous varieties of UNIX
are Sun Solaris, GNU/Linux, and MacOS X.
It was designed
for a programmer not for a casual end-user. A programmer can easily operate
UNIX operating system.
Multi-tasking Facility
Many computers do
just only one thing at a time, as anyone who uses a PC or laptop can attest.
But, on the other hand, UNIX lets a computer do several things at once, such as
printing out one file while the user edits another file. This is a major
feature for users, since users don’t have to wait for one application to end
before starting another one.
Multi-user Facility
The computer can
take the commands of a number of users, determined by the design of the
computer to run programs, access files, and print documents at the same time.
This is the best facility of UNIX.
It has fast speed
with respect to others and it is mainly divided in three parts as follows -
1. The Kernel
2. The shell and
3. The programs
The Kernel
It controls the
hardware and turns part of the system on and off at the programmer’s command.
If you ask the computer to list all the files in a directory then, the kernel
tells the computer to read all the files in that directory from the disk and
display them on your screen.
The Shell
Shell is used to
act as an interpreter between the user and the computer as its purpose is same
like Kernel. There are several types of shell as most notably the command
driven Bourne Shell, the C Shell (no pun intended), and menu-driven shells that
make it easier for beginners to use.
The Programs
There are hundreds
of programs available to UNIX users. Typically, they are grouped into
categories for certain functions, such as word processing, business
applications, or programming.
The main features
of UNIX are—
• Multitasking
• Multiuser
• Portability
• UNIX programs
• Library of
application software
Finally, UNIX is
the best operating system, very admired as today it is using by billions of
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