Do you want to block a web-site? Now, block any web-site is too easy to do and simple as all you need to follow some steps in order to block any web-site. This trick is very useful but, for only educational purpose. Please don’t take it as a negative.
So, if you want to block any desired web-site then, here in this step to step tutorial I am representing you a very simple trick in order to block it very easily. Let’s start-
Firstly, go to: Start- My Computer- Local Disk(C:)- WINDOWS- system32- drivers- etc
Now in etc folder, open a file named “hosts” in notepad like this-
In hosts file, all you need is to enter that URL (web-site) which you want to block. So at the bottom (last) of the notepad file, enter your local host address ( or and give a space and then, enter URL (which you want to block) like- After this, save that hosts file. You can do like this-
So, if you want to block any desired web-site then, here in this step to step tutorial I am representing you a very simple trick in order to block it very easily. Let’s start-
Firstly, go to: Start- My Computer- Local Disk(C:)- WINDOWS- system32- drivers- etc
Now in etc folder, open a file named “hosts” in notepad like this-
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In hosts file, all you need is to enter that URL (web-site) which you want to block. So at the bottom (last) of the notepad file, enter your local host address ( or and give a space and then, enter URL (which you want to block) like- After this, save that hosts file. You can do like this-
Now its time is to flush “DNS Resolver Cache”. But, the question is- What is DNS Cache? This is a server in the domain name system which stores queried results for a period of time. In order to flush DNS, go to- Start- > Run and there enter ‘ipconfig/flushdns’ and click on OK button or press ‘enter’ in order to flush DNS.
You can flush DNS in other way also as goto- Start- > Run and there enter ‘cmd’ and click on OK button or press ‘enter’ in order to open “Command Prompt Wizard”. In Command Prompt Wizard, enter ‘ipconfig/flushdns’ and press enter from your keyboard in order to flush DNS. Type command named ‘exit’ and press 'enter' in order to close Command Prompt.
Now, open any browser and enter those URL which you entered in hosts file as you will found that “Unable to Connect” means it is blocked.
In this way, you can block any web-site. I hope you like…
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