VTunnel.com is the easy to use, best third party website (way) to bypass blocked website. In order to access any blocked web-site through VTunnel, all you need is to go to webSite- Vtunnel.com and there enter the URL of that blocked website which you want to bypass. In this way, you can easily access.
It depends on the application or software used to block websites. Sometimes blocked websites are stored as a list of URLs like- www.yahoo.com, www.download.com etc and then, typing the IP address instead of the URL might sometimes work. In other words, you could also access a blocked web-site through its IP address instead of URL. So for this, go-to command prompt wizard and there type command named- “ping domain.com” and press ‘enter’ key from your keyboard. Through this process, you will get an IP address. Thus, enter that IP in your browser address bar and press ‘enter’ in order to open your desired blocked web-site. For example, if your Facebook.com is blocked then, go-to command prompt wizard and there enter command like this- “ping facebook.com” in order to get IP.
Use Translation Services
Use Translation Services are another great way to access blocked websites. Not only access blocked websites as through these services, you will also be able to translate blocked websites in any language. To access a blocked web-site, you need is to enter the blocked website URL and translate it even if you don’t need to as to let translation services to grab the content. Translation Services (to translate contents) like AltaVista BabelFish, Google Translate etc.
It could be possible that a website blocked through host file. If you don’t know- how to block a website through host file then, you should learn right now at this page- Click here!
So, check out your computer’s hosts file and if there that blocked website address (URL) is present then, remove that address (URL) from there and save that file. Now, the next step is to run a command in order to again flush “DNS Resolver cache”. In order to flush DNS, go to- Start- > Run and there enter ‘ipconfig/flushdns’ and click on OK button or press ‘enter’ in order to flush DNS.
To Use Short URL Services is another way to access restricted websites. Sometimes the URL you intend to browse could be ban. So, converting it to another a shorter URL with short URL services could just help you to bypass the settings. Yes, this is also a fine way to access blocked website as I am giving you two URLs where you can change an original URL into short URL – MooURL, SnipURL. Then, enter that short URL in browser address bar and you will be able to access a blocked website.
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