Apps to Make a Teacher’s Life Easier

Posted by Bhavesh Joshi On Monday, July 2, 2012 0 comments
Apps to Make a Teacher's Life Easier
Teachers have very busy lives and can often use all the help they can get. Now, with the integration of technology into the classroom, teachers can get some help from the many great apps that are available for smart phones and tablets. If you are a teacher who can always use a little boost, try these great apps to help you become more productive and organized: 

1. Flipboard – Flipboard is a free app that can save you valuable time by putting all of your information into one place. By connecting all of your social networking to Flipboard, you can browse all the latest news and updates in a single magazine-style package. This great app can also be used to collect information for a unit or theme you are covering in class. 

2. Dropbox – How many times have you gotten to work or home just to realize that you forgot to bring some of your valuable documents with you? Dropbox solves that problem by allowing you to use a free service that automatically saves your files to all of your computers and devices, or to the Dropbox site. It can be used to save lesson plans, student work, or other important information. 

3. Who Has What – How many times have you lent something to a colleague only to forget where it went? With this app, you can scan out any items you lend to another and receive reminders automatically to let you know who borrowed from you. Simply add items to your inventory with the bar code scanner. Then, when someone borrows something, scan the code, choose the contact, and enter a return date. This would be a great way to manage a classroom lending library as well. 

4. Prezi Viewer – Prezi Viewer is the equivalent of taking PowerPoint to a higher level. This free app allows you to make non-linear presentations, to zoom in and out on particular sections, and to show your presentations on your iPad, for display on a Smartboard. 

5. Dragon Dictation – This is one great free app that all teachers need. Dragon Dictation lets you dictate text that is instantly converted to text. It produces text as much as five times faster than through typing on the keyboard. In addition, the app automatically uses data over time to improve its accuracy in recognizing your speech. Once you complete your documents, you can open it in other apps or email it to yourself or colleagues. 

6. Google Search – This free app is designed specifically for use with the iPad. It allows for both text and voice search, making it extremely useful for students with disabilities. In addition, it provides Google Goggles, which lets you search out information by image. As if this weren’t enough, Google Search gives you fast access to the full range of other Google apps. 

As a teacher, you have many things to keep up with. Why not download some of these great apps to make your life easier? After all, busy teachers today need all the help they can get.


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