1. Calculator
In order to use
Google’s built-in calculator function means like a calculator, simply enter the
calculation in the search engine which you want to done. For example, search
like this- 5*10+20-60= and get the result. It is too best for difficult and
fast calculation.
In order to
easily see the time in many cities around the world, you need is to type “time”
and the name of the city (state) like this- time paris.
3. Google
Currency Conversion
Now, you can
convert any currency any time on Google Search. Convert like this- 1 USD = ?
INR. It’s really efficient and best way to get result effective and fast.
4. Maps
Are you looking
for a map? Then according to my thinking, google search is the best way. So, type
in the Google Search- name (city or state name) or U.S. zip code of a
particular location and the word “map”. It will return a map of that location
and by clicking on the map as will take you to a larger version on Google Maps.
It is also a great google search trick.
Mumbai Map
Delhi Map
5. Google
You can easily use
Google Search for a online definition. To get definition of your desired word,
type in Google Search like this- define:word and then, get the definition. Examples
like- define:photon, define:einstein etc.
6. Google
You can also use
Google Search as a weather search. In order to search weather of your particular
(desired) location, search like this- weather “location” (desired location).
Examples like-
Weather Indore,
Weather Mumbai,
7. Google
Books Search
It is also
helpul to bring online books. Seach like this- Books about “book name” and
then, get the book. Examples-
Books about c
Books about UNX
8. Telephone
Now Google no
longer supports personal telephone and address searches because of numerous
user complaints.
These above Useful Google Search Tips are really beneficial for
you in any case. I hope you like this article, feel free to make comment
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