Employee Termination And Social Media Concerns: Are You Prepared?

Posted by Bhavesh Joshi On Saturday, February 23, 2013 0 comments
Employee TerminationAs a business owner, you simply cannot continue to survive in this age of information without at least becoming a bit techno-savvy. That does not mean that you have to spend your spare time tweeting, or responding to blog posts. However, it does mean that, at the very least, you should have a solid understanding of the implications of social media and its effects on your business. Are you prepared to handle IT concerns that might arise from employee termination? For Example: You fire or layoff an employee. What happens next? Does he destroy your social media presence; on your account or his own; or do you block him? Do you even know? Read on to learn more:

Employee termination and social media.

A recent occurrence on Twitter turned a spotlight onto this immediate danger that could very well become commonplace for businesses that do not take measures to protect themselves. It involved HMV, a popular UK music products distributor that has been going under financially for some time. Apparently, a group of workers from the HMV human resources department, disgruntled at the knowledge of their layoff, hijacked HMV's twitter account and tweeted blow-by-blow details of the mass firing of 60 people. The tweets were negative - definitely not complimentary of HMV - and quite possibly on the final nails in the looming HMV coffin.

What this means to your business. 

Quite simply, a considerable chunk of your business reputation is formed by the virtual world. The things other people say and share about your business can cause a ripple effect of damage. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you do everything within your power to protect your online business reputation against those who may likely be out to get it: those employees you had to terminate.

How you can prevent costly IT mishaps. 

Employee Termination And Social Media Concerns: Are You Prepared?
You can no longer afford to keep social media in the back of your business mind. Any time one of your decisions or dealings may affect your employees, you are vulnerable to a breach of trust and a potentially damaging information leak via technology and social media. In order to protect yourself, you need to require that your employees sign an employee agreement that clearly states your social media privacy policies. Also, you should have a procedure in place to block employee access to your business social media accounts and/or reset the passwords immediately preceding your decision to terminate an employee that has access to that delicate information.

Whether you know it (or like it) or not, social media presents a clear and present danger to your business. Protect your online reputation by addressing these IT concerns, before it is too late and unhappy ex-employees have the opportunity to put your business' private matters on the social media parade.


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