Health and safety should always be treated as a priority in the
workplace. A typical office environment has dozens of potential hazards and
health concerns. Of course, while all employees should be aware of these
dangers, teaching health and safety is not an easy task. It can be difficult to
maintain staff attention with boring, procedural materials, so many employers
are turning to technology to keep their staff engaged with the subject. There
are many iPhone apps that are dedicated to safety in the workplace, and they
can provide interesting tips and reminders about proper procedures and
Safety Snaps
Many workplaces are full of potential hazards that are ignored for
so long they become part of the scenery. Employees eventually get used to
stepping over that wire in the conference room or skipping the dodgy step on
the staircase. The SafetySnaps app is an effective way for employees to
document these workplace dangers so they can be dealt with quickly. Whether
it's a trip hazard or a wonky bannister, the app lets users take a photo of any
hazards and add a description and the location. The photo and the information
can then be emailed to bring attention to the relevant person and can serve as
a reminder to notify other employees in the meantime.
Don't let the dreary name fool you, the iAuditor app is a powerful
and effective tool for performing workplace inspections and hazard checks. The
app has several different templates, from construction sites to general office
inspections, which contain questions relevant to that workplace. Employees can
go through the check-list, which has simple questions about the ventilation,
lighting and noise levels, to perform a safety audit and see what changes can
be made to benefit the workplace.
The importance of fire safety is often overlooked in the
workplace, and telling staff where the safety exits and assembly points are in
case of emergency is often the extent of fire training. Even practising regular
fire drills can be insufficient as staff still won't know what to do if they
become trapped in a room or if one of the exits is blocked. The FireSafety app
offers an exhaustive guide to the dangers of fire, and it provides valuable
advice about what to do in case of an emergency and how to identify early
warning signs.
First Aid
By British Red Cross
Although most offices have a designated first aid person, more and
more workplaces are offering first aid courses to all members of staff.
The British Red Cross app provides simple step-by-step advice, as well as
accompanying instructional videos, about what to do in case of emergency. Many
people think that offices are safe places of work, but the likes of asthma
attacks, diabetic emergencies and even heart attacks can strike anywhere and at
any time. The app instructs employees about how then can spring into action in
the early signs of a health emergency, and the information could potentially
save someone's life.
As well as offering preventative advice about fire safety and what
to do in an emergency, the SCDF Fire Safety app also has information about how
to operate a fire extinguisher, manual call point and fire blanket. The office
kitchen can be a hazardous place, and even a small hob or electrical fire can
turn into something much worse. Although employees should always consider their
personal protection before dealing with a fire, this informative app can
prepare employees for such hazards and teach them how to stop a small fire from
These apps can be a real eye-opener to the potential dangers that
can occur in the workplace, and they can make all employees think about
preventing hazards and how to respond to accidents and emergencies. However,
extensive, qualified training courses are still the best source of information
for employees, and the apps should not be used in lieu of them. The technology
is best suited as 'top-up' lessons that can refresh employee's memory about
health and safety practices in the workplace.
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